Contact us
Get contact with us if you need something :)
I need to get contact for something related about LEZ
Hey, if you need to get contact about anything related to our rhythm game LEZ or get player support on our game, please go to the LEZ help site.
I want to request and upload my song as an exclusive release of Daztrax Studios
Hey! Thanks for thinking about our exclusive record label!
If you want to request and upload your song as an exclusive release of Daztrax Studios, you can send it by clicking here.
I want to request a commercial/business license for my work
Hey! Thanks for thinking about the songs of our record label!
If you want to request a commercial/business license for any of your works, send us an email by clicking here.
IMPORTANT: Commercial/business license for exclusive songs of LEZ are not available.
If you want to use any of the songs for a video (on YouTube or anywhere), you are allowed to use it AS LONG you add the credits of the songs in the description or in the video.
If you want to use in a videogame (as long as you are not one of the developers, for example, custom maps) or for any non-commercial project, you can use it without issues as long as you put the credits of the song (Song and artist(s) name(s)).
I want to release a Content ID claim for my YouTube video
Hey! If your video has any song with Content ID and you want to release it, please send us an email with the details of your video, if you are a company, small group, or an individual content creator and what type of video it is (Gaming, promotion, sponsored content).
If someone asks me for permission to use my song for something other than something in Daztrax Studios, can I give them permissions/licenses?
You can give permissions for those people ALWAYS WHEN IT IS FOR NON-COMMERCIAL/PERSONAL USE, in case it is for a video (YouTube video for example), we ask that you tell that person that they can use it as long as they add the song credits in the video or in the description, but please let us know before giving permissions.
If the person needs a commercial/business license, tell us that need to get contact with us and request a commercial/business license so we can discuss about the license.
What do I do if someone reuploads my song?
If your song has been reuploaded but it have already the original credits of the song as it should (for example, for promoting purposes), no action of any type is required, however, please let us know about this too.
If the song has been uploaded without credits or has been stolen, please let us know by sending an email if your song has been reuploaded/stolen ANYWHERE, so we can discuss with that person who has reuploaded your content to take action or simply request a removal of the content uploaded by that person.
I need to report an issue with an API
Hi, we really appreciate your time to report the issues you found on our API, please click here to contact us and report the issues.
I need help with the API
If you need help/support with our API, we recommend you to ask on our Discord server, but you can also contact us via email to get some help.
Want to work with us? (Collaboration)
Hey, if you want to work with us in a project, send us an email at with all the information and we'll think about it, if we accept it, we'll let you know with a reply.
If you need to get contact with us but it is not related to anything on this site or the sites we provided, send us an email of anything you need:
If you wish to contact us in order to offer us a service or work with us, then please contact us to the main email for general inquiries. If you want to offer us other services such as improvement of our websites, SEO services, or others, your email will be completely marked as spam and no response will be given.